Work with
Melitta Campbell

You know you have the ability to make a bigger difference in the world.

But figuring out how is leaving you feeling overwhelmed and full of doubt.

If that's you, I have good news...

You are closer to success than you realise!

As seen in

It's challenging to attract enough of the right clients, when they don't get what you do. 

However, once you know the secret to marketing your true value, creating a steady flow of high-value clients feels easy and natural.

Imagine a world where...

  • Your Dream Clients instantly see you as their obvious choice
  • Connecting with potential clients feels natural and easy
  • You can sell without ‘selling’
  • You know exactly what to do, instead of feeling like an imposter
  • You're known for the life-changing impact your clients experience

It doesn't have to be a fantasy.

My Dream Clients Blueprint programme will guide you step-by-step to achieve these outcomes in as little as 12-weeks.

You'll quickly see your business results transform and your confidence increase - giving you a stable income and your clients a better life.

Dream Clients Mastermind

Instant Access

Online Courses

Want instant access to business building help?

I have created a range of online courses to help you master specific aspects of your business creation and growth.


* Need want quick access to information.

Expert guidance you can follow at your own pace.


* The Business Foundations Blueprint
- for early stages of business creation.

* Getting Started with Social Media

* Marketing Made Simple
- learn how to create your personalised marketing plan and implement it with confidence.

Discover all Courses→
Dream Clients Blueprint

Dream Clients


Discover the exact steps to identify, communicate and sell your True Value, so you can work with more of your Dream Clients with greater ease and joy.


* Are looking to build and scale your business with the help of a proven strategic business blueprint and mindset coaching.

* Want to create a profitable and meaningful business, but still want a balanced lifestyle.

* Want to be able to communicate your value with confidence and ease in any situation.

* Want individual support, feedback and business coaching from an award-winning coach with three-decades of experience.

* Enjoying being part of a small and inspiring community of business builders.

* Are ready to finally stop spinning your wheels, doubting your abilities and instead create an impact that you feel proud of.

Learn more and Apply →
Dream Clients Academy

Dream Clients


If you have an established business, this powerful Mastermind will inspire you to grow to your next level of success and beyond with peer learning and support. Monthly Mastermind.


* Have an established business that you want grow.

* Are looking for a community of like-minded and inspiring women at a similar stage of business, who get your challenges, support your ideas, and are willing to share their experiences to help you grow.

* Want to stop feeling alone in your business, stop doubting and second-guessing yourself, and instead have more fun and freedom.

Learn more and Apply →
Melitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - Coffee Time

Hi, I’m Melitta,

Award-winning business and mindset coach, best-selling author, Value Whisperer and founder of the Dream Clients Blueprint.

I love working with women who have a passion and drive for creating a positive and lasting impact on the lives of others.

However, it breaks my heart that many of these women struggle to earn the income and have the impact that matches their vision. And for one simple reason: they aren't confident communicating the true awesomeness of what they offer.

In all honesty, why would they be? 

Even those who have attended business school and had a senior level career are rarely taught the secrets to meaningful communication. And few women are ever encouraged to stand up and talk about their talents.

I'm on a mission to change this.

Having worked in marketing and communication for more than three decades, and coached and supported some of the world's most influential leaders, I've seen distinct patterns regarding what works when sharing your value, and attracting the right clients in ways that generate value, create impact, and feel natural.

The good news is, it's simple!

You don't need to use loud or fancy tactics
You don't need to hire expensive copywriters, and
You certainly don't need to change anything about who you are.

The even better news is, it can be fast, and have long lasting effects!

Once my clients understand how to communicate, package and sell their true value in ways that feel easy and natural, everything starts to change. Their self-belief and confidence grows, their client results improve, and their businesses grow faster and easier than ever before.

Depending on your goals, budget and business stage, there are three main ways for us to work together: 

The Dream Clients Blueprint
My signature 12-step programme that guides you in communicating, marketing and selling your true value, while building a solid CEO mindset.

The Dream Clients Intensive
Follow my signature 12-step programme, supported by 6 private business coaching sessions, and email support.

The Dream Clients Mastermind
My collaborative learning experience for established business owners.

Perfect Your Pitch Coaching
Confidently introduce your business, in any situation and attract more sales.

Not sure which option is best for you? Let's discuss it!

Book a 30 minute call with me and we'll look at:
: where you are in business today,
: where you 'd like to be, and
: what's standing in your way.

We'll create the beginnings of a plan to help you move forward and, if we both feel like working together would support and accelerate your plan, we'll discuss what that could look like for you.

Click here now to request your call >

What Others Have Said

About Working with Melitta

Kate Couchman

Success and Wellness Coach

Melitta makes the process simple and orderly.

Melitta is passionate and knowledgeable about her topics. She delivers her materials in such an easy to understand way which really resonates.

Cottonwood Stone

CEO Musicians Roundhouse

I continue to learn so much from Melitta

If you are looking to a build business that brings forth feminine professionalism with clarity, I highly recommend working with Melitta!

Sophie Elpers

HR Consultant and Leadership Coach

I now have a very solid structure in place.

I am now really clear on my vision, my dream clients and what sets me apart from other coaches.

Christopher Lübbers

Founder, The Power of Speech

Melitta's attitude as a coach really stands out.

I really, really felt that she wanted me to succeed, and she put all her experience, perspective, and knowledge on offer to help me.

Adrian Plasvic

Performance & Transformation Coach

She helped me say what I‘ve been trying to express for years.

Melitta has an ability to offer great insight with empathy and deliver it in a way that leaves you feeling good about yourself, while also knowing exactly how to improve and go to the next level.

Leslie Martinez

Founder, LM Virtual Services

I now have greater confidence and a stronger vision.

Working through the Dream Client Blueprint program, all the missing pieces fell into place.

Zornitsa Ivanova

Zori Art Photography

Every entrepreneur needs this

"Invest in yourself - it will pay back sooner than you think!"

Alix Rayner

May Twenty

I regained passion and motivation for my business!

"I know exactly what I need to do, and I have the tools, understanding and confidence to take consistent action."

Federica Bruzzone

Brand developer

I wholeheartedly endorse her services

What truly blew me away were the actionable tips she provided. They were so practical and effective that I could implement them right away, and they made a tangible difference in my business strategy.

Ready to work with Melitta?

And create your dream business

Work with Melitta →