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Why Smart Women get Stuck with an Expensive Hobby and not a Real Business

If you are working hard but feel disappointed by your results, you might not be doing anything wrong - you are just performing the right actions with the wrong tools and a mediocre message. Here's how you can turn things around, fast!

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My Favourite Way to Communicate the Value of Your Offer

Standing out in a crowded market can be easy once you communicate your True Value in a way that combines credibility, emotion and logic. Here's my favourite way to do this and stand out as the perfect choice of service for your dream clients.

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Creating Compelling Content that gets Clients - What you need to know!

Unlock the secrets to creating compelling content that captures attention, adds value, and builds lasting client relationships.

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Networking with Confidence

Networking is an important activity that can bring you clients and grow your business. But, as a former 'shy girl' I know how awkward it can feel. I've also learned that it is possible to network with ease and confidence, even as an introvert. Here's how to attract more of the right people and opportunities through networking.

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The Power of Belief: How to build your business confidence & naturally attract more clients

Discover why Belief is the missing part of your marketing, and why building belief in your product - starting with you - will help you to naturally attract more of your dream clients.

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The Art of Email: How to Connect, Engage and Sell with Email

Join us for an episode you won't want to miss! Discover Ian Brodie's journey and delve into a masterclass on using email marketing to forge powerful relationships that drive sales.

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The One Thing All the Best Salespeople Say, That You Don’t

The One Thing All the Best Salespeople Say, That You Don’t

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The Perfect Intro Formula – How to Grab them at 'Hello'​

The Perfect Intro Formula – How to Grab them at 'Hello'​

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