How to build a strong network from scratch

How to build a strong network from scratch

June 22, 2017

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How to build a strong network from scratch

June 22, 2017

How to build a strong network from scratch
Melitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - LinkedInMelitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - Pinterest

Show Notes

Networking is an essential skill for anyone with ambition to master.


A network can help you to:

  • achieve greater success in your business
  • progress in your career
  • gain more personal development
  • widen your circle of friends.


A strong network, however, can take you even further!


With a network full of people who know and trust you, you can gain:

  • a solid pipeline of leads and referrals for your business
  • recommendations for speaker engagements
  • more of your professional goals
  • greater inspiration and insights to help you achieve more success than you thought possible.


If you don’t have a strong network yet – here’s how to start!

If you want to build a strong network to support your business success - here's where to start...


Get out there!

The best way to build a network is to get out there and meet people. This needn’t be at specific networking events – though these are of course a great place to start.


You can also go to more events and classes that are aligned to your interests and passions and meet people that way. Or perhaps you can sign up for a class to learn something you’ve always wanted to do: a language, woodwork or painting class for example.


You can check out MeetUp, InterNations or a whole host of other websites that list social activities and clubs. Your local phonebook media will also list classes and clubs.


Make friends online

You can also start meeting people online through social media sites. LinkedIn is a great one for starting professional relationships where Facebook and Snapchat are good for personal friendships.


This can be a great way to meet people who are not local to you, or to find people who are interested in the same things as you.


The two things to remember with building friendships online is to:


1: Take steps to ensure the person is genuine and


2: Act the same as you would if you met the person in real life. Ask questions, share information and take time to really know them, don’t just jump straight in with messages (worse sales messages) that aren’t relevant to that person.


Don’t be tempted to hide online to do all your networking though – relationships that are started face-to-face are usually the strongest. So go for a nice mix of on- and offline networking.

Be open when you network

When meeting people, the most important first step is to have open body language and an engaging smile. You have to look like someone that person wants to get to know better.


Wearing appropriate clothes can help too. Do some research into the event to find out the dress code – if in doubt go for smart dress.


Be Interesting

Many people get this very wrong. They think that ‘being interesting’ means they have to talk a lot. In fact, it’s completely the opposite!


To be interesting, you should aim to speak only 20% of the time. Let the other person speak and ask lots of questions so you can really get to know them, what interests them and what keeps them up at night. Then you can share stories and information that is 100% relevant to that person – that’s when you become interesting!


For this reason, introverts often make the best networkers!

Be prepared

Before the event, you want to do your homework and research the event and its participants.


Research the event: Whatever the subject of the event is, it’s fair to assume that the people attending the event want to know more about that subject. So do some research beforehand to find and prepare a few relevant facts, stories and news items that you can share or drop into conversation as appropriate.


Study the participant list: Study who will be attending the event, make a short list of who you’d like to meet, and then look them up on LinkedIn or Facebook. This will not only tell you what they look like, so you can find them at the event, but will also tell you what they are interested in so you can prepare some relevant questions for them.


Know your objectives: Is there something you’d like to learn? Someone you’d like to meet? A particular company, market or industry you’d like to know more about? Etc.


Knowing this in advance will help you focus on the right questions, people and actions during the event so you will have better outcomes after the event.


Look for variety in your network

If you want a strong network, you want to be adding people with a wide variety of skills, experiences and backgrounds.


It’s easy to meet people like you, but they don’t always have the breadth of knowledge and experience that will be helpful to you in the different situations you find yourself in throughout your life and career.

The Fortune is in the Follow-up!

Follow up

The saying ‘The Fortune is in the Follow Up’ does not just apply to salespeople.


While networking is a great way to meet people, it’s only in following up with people after an event that you can build a relationship with people. Having a ‘strong’ network means that you have a list of contacts that know and trust you – so the follow up is key.


It’s near impossible to stay in touch with everyone, so be selective in who you want to build relationships with. All those questions you asked when you met the person the first time will really help you work out who the most valuable people to you are.


Always block some time in your diary to follow up with people after the event. Add everyone you meet to your LinkedIn network with a personal note about how you enjoyed meeting them. In this note, be specific about something you discussed so they know you are genuine – this with help to start building trust.


Beyond your initial follow up, look out for news and stories that might be interesting to specific people in your network and share these on a regular basis.


These anecdotes should be shared with people one an individual basis and not in a group message – unless it’s something you want to use to initiate a discussion amongst the group. You want to keep things personal and specific as much as possible to support the relationship building process.


Have Fun!

Finally, it’s important to have fun while out networking. People always want to stay in touch with people who they enjoy being around and who make them feel special, so always keep this in mind!


A Shy Girl's Guide to Networking

You'll find lots more networking advice and practical tools and tips in my book:
A Shy Girls' Guide to Networking.


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