How to Fall Back in Love with Your Business

How to Fall Back in Love with Your Business

February 6, 2019

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How to Fall Back in Love with Your Business

February 6, 2019

How to Fall Back in Love with Your Business
Melitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - LinkedInMelitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - Pinterest

Show Notes

Your business got off to a great start.

But, while things were going great at first, if you’ve started to find yourself drowning in an ever-increasing 'to do' list (let alone your 'to know' list!) and find yourself facing a mountain of marketing woes, read on...


People often think that starting a business is hard and, while on one hand they are right, as it takes a certain amount of courage and determination to get your business started – one of the hardest part is keeping your business moving forward consistently, without feeling overwhelmed.


If you’ve started to fall out of love with your business, or are starting to find your work an uphill battle, here are some ideas to help you get back on track.


Are you feeling stuck or overwhelmed in business? Follow these 7 Steps and Fall Back in Love with Your Business.


1) Remind yourself why you started

When you started out, what was your vision? Why were you so excited about your idea? What was the difference you wanted to make in the world?


If you can reconnect with your Why, you’ll get a renewed sense of purpose and motivation.


If you haven’t done so already, create a vision board to visually represent what you are about and what you want to achieve in the coming weeks, months and years.

Keep this board where you will see it every day to remind yourself of your goals and direction.


2) Reconnect with your Values

When starting a business, it’s easy to get caught up in the daily tasks you need to complete, and the demands and ideas from clients, partners and supporters.


As a result, you can quickly move away from your values and what is most important for you. Especially if you didn’t clearly define these before you started your business.


Take some time to reflect on your core values. Here’s a list of common values to help you get started. Identify your top three values, then assess how closely aligned your business and activities are to this and make any adjustments needed.


3) Stop Comparing yourself to others

It is easy and tempting to look at your peers and start to beat yourself up over how much better they are than you are. Resist doing this at all cost!

When you compare yourself to others, you are rarely comparing like-with-like.


Often you are blissfully unaware of the other person’s journey: where they have come from, what challenges they have overcome, how long it’s taken them to reach where they are and what their actual results are.


Instead, use their success (or perceived success) to inspire your own.


Take their achievements as a sign that it can be done, but then refocus on your own business, your own clients and how you want to bring your unique brand of value into the marketplace.


Never compare yourself to your peers or try to copy them. Instead, be inspired by the success of others and look for the lessons you can usefully apply to your own business, in your own unique way.


4) Focus and Simplify

Imagine ending your day feeling accomplished, instead of feeling guilty about all the things you didn’t do. Feeling this way is easier that you may think.


Plan your day the night before and set yourself three core tasks to focus on. These should be tasks that help you move closer to your bigger goal and result in a positive impact on your business.


Complete these tasks before anything else, and congratulate yourself for a job well done.


5) Start a Success Journal

There is always a lot to do in business. As a result, many people go from one milestone to the next without stopping to recognize and celebrate their achievement.


In order to feel the steady progression you are making, stay motivated and continue to build your confidence, it’s important to celebrate every success, no matter how small.


Start a Success Journal and everyday note down the challenges you’ve overcome, the milestones you’ve reached and successes you’ve had.


If you ever find yourself in a moment of doubt, or facing a new challenge or opportunity that feels daunting, read through your Success Journal to remind yourself that you are stronger and more capable than you sometimes give yourself credit for.


Start a success journal to help you recognise your progress and achievements. This will help build your confidence and motivate you towards your next success!


6) Practice Gratitude

This is the easiest Success Habit to adopt and it can have a profound impact on both your success and wellbeing.


At the end of each day, make a conscious point of writing out at least three things you were grateful for in the last 24 hours.


These can be big things, like winning a new client, or small things, like the way the driver made you smile when he welcomed you onto his bus. You can even be grateful for the things that have gone wrong and the lessons they have taught us, or how they have stopped us from making an even bigger error.


When you take time to appreciate what you have, you will start to feel more positive and abundant. This will not only protect your sense of wellbeing and help you ward off overwhelm, but it will also attract positive new opportunities towards you.


7) Seek out a Business Coach or Mentor

It can be lonely being in business for yourself. So it’s important to surround yourself with like-minded people who inspire you, support you and want to see you succeed – and who for whom you will happily do the same.


I call this your Success Circle, 2-5 people who get you and have your back.


In addition, it’s highly beneficial to have one expert whose advice you trust and whom you can turn to for support and clear guidance at every stage.


This coach or mentor can be someone from your network or someone whose services you employ, but don’t take another step in your business without one.


You’ll you’ve found the right person when you find someone who makes you feel good about yourself, someone who helps you see and appreciate your unique talents and strengths, someone who loves your business, and who gives you clear honest guidance and advice.


Always seek a coach or mentor to support you in your business. They will help you achieve more growth and success than you can achieve on your own.


If you’d like to start your search for the right coach and mentor to help you fall back in love with your business and take your business to the next level, I’d like to invite you to a free kick-start call with me.


We’ll look at where are you versus where you want to be, we’ll look at what you’ve worked on and tried to date, and I’ll help you define and map out your next best steps. Apply for your Complementary Business Coaching Call here.


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How to Fall Back in Love with Your Business


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