Bounce Back from Redundancy with a Business Coach

Bounce Back from Redundancy with a Business Coach

September 14, 2021

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Bounce Back from Redundancy with a Business Coach

September 14, 2021

Bounce Back from Redundancy with a Business Coach
Melitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - LinkedInMelitta Campbell, Business Coach for Women - Pinterest

Show Notes

Redundancy is an extremely difficult time for most people. Even when we know it’s common in today’s fluctuating economies and companies scale down, it’s hard not to take redundancy personally.

The most important thing to keep in mind, however, is that redundancy is not a reflection of your performance. And it’s not something you should feel ashamed of. Talented professionals are being made redundant every day due to our fast-changing world and employers financial decision making.

It’s so important when setting up your own business to connect with people around you, to talk about what you’re doing and to know how to attract your ideal clients or customers. - Melitta Campbell

Change is the new constant

As I’m sure you’re already aware, change is the new constant. According to a 2019 survey of baby boomers in the USA, the average number of jobs in a lifetime is 12. So, while redundancy can feel personal and scary, it can also be the perfect opportunity to reassess what changes you wish to make in your life and career.

Remember, it’s your role that has been made redundant, not you. You still have your skills and talents and a wealth of experience behind you on which you can capitalise to create the future you’ve been dreaming about. As hard as it may be at first, look at all the positives in front of you and remain focused on your next step.

Surround yourself with positive people

The first thing to do is to surround yourself with positive people. Taking care of your physical and mental health is the most important thing when you’re facing a transition period, so it pays to have people around who will help you focus on the positives and not dwell on the negatives.

The whole experience can create considerable stress and make you feel anxious about the future. These feelings are perfectly normal, which is why it’s important to have people around you who know you and can help you through this period. While redundancy will put a dent in your confidence, you will bounce back.

Invest in yourself after redundancy

If you’re reading this, it’s likely that working for yourself and being your own boss is a very real option. Perhaps it’s a long-held desire that you’ve been harbouring for some time. Now is the perfect time to invest in yourself, whether it’s learning a new skill, joining a new networking group or investing in coaching.

When Helen von Dadelszen was made redundant in 2017, she decided to reorient herself and explore options different from being an employee. While she wasn’t initially planning on starting her own business, Helen was curious about business coaching and how it could help her to work out what to do next. Helen also knew it was the perfect opportunity to at least find out more about what business coaches do and how they help people who have experienced redundancy to bounce back.

Like many people starting out on their business coaching journey, Helen didn’t have specific goals in mind. It was simply a good opportunity to explore options outside of being an employee. “I was really not sure what I could do or even if I wanted to start my own business, but I was curious about what Melitta was doing and knew that it was my opportunity to give it a go”, said Helen. But what Helen quickly learned was that she had an enormous amount of experience on which to build and craft her own business idea. Working through how to set up a business and setting goals, researching how clients think and feel, and being consistent in communications, Helen quickly advanced to having a clear idea of what she could offer and to building the confidence to go out on her own.

Through her business Present Potential, Helen now works as a presentation coach and trainer, working with professionals and researchers who are invited to speak at industry conferences and need a confidence boost when speaking. Reflecting on the role business coaching has played in her journey following redundancy, Helen says “the most important thing for me was to realise that I can do it. Before working with Melitta, I had never really considered working independently.”

She goes on to say, “the step-by-step process that Melitta guided me through, and all the tips and leads she provided, helped me to envision myself actually providing a service to real people who’d pay! And after just one month, I had my first paying client.”

The power of networking

Helen attributes much of her success to understanding just how important and powerful networking is when you’re building a business. It’s so important when setting up your own business to connect with people around you, to talk about what you’re doing and to know how to attract your ideal clients or customers.

Networking is just one of the many topics I cover in my Dream Clients Blueprint group business coaching experience for female coaches and consultants. The act of networking often gets a bad name; its reputation is sullied by business card ‘swap meets’. One of the reasons why networking gets a bad name is that there are people who don’t understand that it’s about forming relationships, not just selling products or services. For people – especially women – who have faced redundancy, getting back ‘out there’ to network is often the last thing they feel like doing.

However, with time and confidence, they learn to understand just how important and powerful networking is to build and grow a successful business they love. Helen now says, “I’ve found networking so much more powerful than spending money on flyers or buying ads on social media. Especially when providing a personal service, where the personal connection is crucial, you can grow your business through happy clients speaking positively about you and recommending you to those around you”.

Join like-minded female entrepreneurs

As well as business-building lessons, support and inspiration, my group coaching program brings together like-minded women who want to support each other, including those who have been faced with redundancy.

Over six months, I guide and support budding female entrepreneurs in creating a solid foundation for their businesses, from vision and goal setting to building the confidence to network and communicate in a way that attracts their ideal clients with ease.If you’ve experienced redundancy or are simply looking for structured guidance on how to start your own business, I invite you to find more about my Dream Clients Blueprint program.

Of better still, let’s jump on a call and start mapping out your next steps together!

Book your Complimentary Business Coaching Call

Now is the perfect time to invest in yourself, whether it’s learning a new skill, joining a new networking group or investing in coaching. -Melitta Campbell

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Working With a Business Coach to Bounce Back from Redundancy
Bounce Back from Redundancy with a Business Coach


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